Avocado Puree

I decided that for Stella’s second solid food, she’d try Avocado, which according to most books is apparently a fruit-who knew! And according to EWG Avocado is low on the list for foods you need to buy organic so I just bought regular avocados. My family thought it was weird that I was feeding Stella avocados but they are great food, packed with nutrition. It is kind of wierd that you can’t even find jarred avocado baby food. So if you are thinking of making some baby food yourself, but not all, its a great one to do yourself. We found some avocados on sale so Stella enjoyed her “baby guacamole” while we enjoyed the real stuff that night. Avocado Puree will naturally discolor if stored in refridgerator. (similar to Banana Puree)

1 Avocado
5 ounces of breast milk or prepared formula(if using breast milk-use fresh milk not frozen)

Wash the avocado, remove the pit and dice.

In your blender, add the breast milk or prepared formula first and then add the avocado.

Using the puree setting, puree 10 seconds, scrape sides and then puree again for 10 additional seconds.

Makes between 10-12 ounces of baby food (depending on the size of the avocado).

Baby Food Storage
I store my baby food in 2 ounce plastic containers that I purchased from Babies R Us. Peapods also has containers for sale. You can also fill ice cube trays and once they are frozen, you can pop them out and store them in a feezer bag. Defrost food containers when ready to use by letting them soak in a container of hot water. Baby food can be safely frozen for 3 months. Use defrosted baby food within 24 hours of defrosting. Fresh purees can be safely refridgerated for 2 days.